Oils On Tin Flashing With Homemade Frames


Down to Up This Way to That

Down to up
Up to down
And this way
To that way.  

Oil on Tin Flashing 8” X 6”



On the visual flat plane
Movement everywhere.  

Oil on Tin Flashing 7” X 6”


Divided Gorge

Shapes of space all held 
In place the divided gorge
A unified whole.

Oil on Tin Flashing 6” X 7 1/4”


Here and There

Warm spectrum colors
Across the gorge, a pool of 
Blues and violets here.  

Oil on Tin Flashing 6” X 5”


Beyond Fallen Trees

Beyond river downed trees
Trees beyond trees
Two sycamores rise above.  

Oil on Tin Flashing 6” X 7 1/2”


Roar of Water

Between two opposing 
Sides of the river gorge
The roar of water.

Oil on Tin Flashing 6 3/4” X 6 1/4”


Rocky Ledge

Carried paints up to 
A rocky ledge and took a
Picture of the gorge.

Oil on Tin Flashing 7 3/8” X 5 3/4”


Small works are painted on gessoed tin flashing and mounted onto a homemade floater frame. Some frames are made with special wood trim. Other frames are made with pine and stained with a homemade stain produced from vinegar and steel wool chemistry that brings out the tannins in the wood.

Tin flashing is a building product you can buy at your local hardware store.