Artist Statement -
Painting for me is an opportunity to explore the rhythms of nature. And as I do this I put a heavy emphasis on design and color. I am fascinated by the sense of sight (visual perception) as well as the physics of light (how the visual magnetic spectrum moves through the atmosphere). Every artist in a sense creates a language in the medium of his or her choice. As a painter I am most interested in color and color juxtapositions. For me color is the most effective way to stimulate the emotions. When painting my first step is an intuitive impulse. This leads to a series of fun discoveries and problems demanding resolutions. At some point along the way the painting begins to evoke feelings and this is what I like to explore. The process is never easy, and that’s the fun of it.
Poetry is part of my process and I favor the simple seventeen syllable haiku format. Engaging the sense of sound, and reflecting upon the literal and figurative content of a few words helps to focus my attention on the emotional qualities of the painting.